Thursday, March 24, 2011

Next week in kindergarten...
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up the Wash
*Spring stories and word charts
*counting syllables
*phoneme substitution
*categorizing and classifying
*creating writing and illustrating class stories
*blending short e words
*building sentences
Phonics Reader-Pig Can Get Wet
*sorting, identifying and counting coins
*vocabulary-penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar
*interactive story-Miss Flamingo Spends!
The wise man builds his house upon the rock
*Matthew 7:24-27
*Target Truth-We need to learn to build our lives on the rock, Christ Jesus
*rhyming review
*number bingo
*smartboard reading and math games
*Spring art activities

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Spring Break

I hope everyone had a great week off from school!!! I was able to go to Gulf Shores for the 1st half of the week and then work around the house for the second half.  I know we all may have Spring Fever..but we have alot of fun things coming up!! I can't wait to see the kids on Monday!
Love, Mrs. Harrison

Friday, March 4, 2011

Have you ever eaten a Purple Cow?  Well, we enjoyed making and eating one today!  Ask your child about the recipe!
Next week will be having a week of fun with Mrs. Wishy-Washymud, mud, and more mud!
We will be involved with:
 -creative writing
 - science experiments centered around mud
 - mud math with animal crackers (adding, odd & even   numbers, teen numbers, add-on  counting)
 - graphing favorite characters
 - creative writing
 - reading, re-reading, retelling, and acting out Mrs. Wishy-Washy (characters, setting, beginning, middle, and ending parts of story)
*Remember to review around 10 minutes each night.  Review sight words and word families.  Practice for instant recognition.*

Dates To Remember:
 March 11 - Science Fest
 March  14 - 18 - Spring Break
  Kindergarten is a messy business....especially when we are working with "Oh Lovely Mud"!
 "He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men:  yet they cannot fathom what God has done beginning to end."
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Think of where your child was when he/she began Kindergarten in August, and think of where they are today!!  I hate to say this, but we only have 45 days of school left!!
Mrs. Harrison